Pregnancy, birth and the early weeks of parenthood can be a testing and emotional time for parents. Hypnosis, talking and practical support can be an invaluable source of help to assist new parents in finding their feet on the most important journey they will probably ever undertake. Hypnotherapy can help reduce irrational fears, keeping parents calm so they can focus better on the job in hand – raising a healthy, well balanced youngster.

Parents of securely attached children tend to:

  • Play with their children more
  • Respond more quickly to their children’s needs
  • Be generally more sensitive to their children’s needs than parents of insecurely attached children


Later as adults those who are securely attached are more likely to have trusting, long-term relationships. Along with a high self esteem, satisfying intimate relationships, social support systems and the ability to express their emotions.

  • Physically and emotionally available for the child
  • Interprets child’s needs accurately and responds accurately

Hypnosis can help support with parental anxiery

Every parent wants the best for their new born child. So many have hopes and dreams that cause confusion when the reality does not reflect the ideal view. Children do not come with a manual – boost your confidence and reduce your anxieties by using effective psychotherapy and hypnotherapy techniques.