January Bliss Offer
In the past, at this time of year, I have been inundated with requests for help with a variety of problems.
Things like stopping smoking, losing weight, being more organised, getting healthier, reducing stress, sorting out relationships, getting a new job, being a better parent, going to the gym more and many other topics and themes that begin to enter our heads as this year fades and a new year begins to peek over the horizon.
Having a few things to focus on and a few goals to aim at is a great idea, however, trying to change a lot of things at once, or a big thing can add undue pressure. This can begin a spiral of negativity which usually culminates in feeling like a massive failure halfway through January.
My ‘January Bliss’ program is designed to help you avoid those pitfalls and enjoy some success early in the new year! Working on a 1-1 basis, I will tailor a bespoke package of sessions to ease you into 2025.
If one of your intentions is to look after yourself better in 2025 it is useful to have a plan on how this will be for you. It is so easy to make sweeping statements on what we would like to or need to achieve but without a plan it will fail.
I offer scheduled monthly or bimonthly appointments to provide that space for reflection, rest and peace with a tailored program, fitting your needs perfectly.
There are also some taster sessions and specific themes on offer – check them out here:
Introductory Sessions and Workshops
Make self-care your number 1 priority in 2025 and book now.
January Bliss – 3 sessions – that’s 3 hours of 1-1 support with personalised take aways and all the supporting material, just £149 – that’s a saving of £61!!
Another consideration for you is your own use of language. This is one I hear a lot!
“I’ll try.”
What is wrong with this statement??
Initially, you may think that there is nothing wrong at all with this statement. It is spelled correctly; it is grammatically correct. But just take a moment to think about the last time you said that. What happened?
My guess is nothing. This is not your fault as it’s a bit of a strange thing that “try” often equates to “never going to happen”. Now we know it’s just a thing, what can we do about it?
Let’s turn ‘I’ll try’ into “I will!”
Just a small change in language can make a big difference. It sends a different kind of message to the more creative and proactive parts of the brain. This primes both the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind to work in harmony and the benefit of employing the subconscious mind is that it keeps working on your objective even when you are not consciously thinking about it.
Did you know that you are more likely to achieve what you set out to do if you write it down? So that’s your first tip – write down what you want to get done. And be specific. We all know about SMART goals – but that first point – specific is crucial. If we don’t know exactly what we are aiming for, how on earth will we know when we have got there??
If you could change one thing, what would it be?
Write it down.
January Bliss – 3 sessions – that’s 3 hours of 1-1 support with personalised take aways and all the supporting material, just £149 – that’s a saving of £61!!